Be safe and be seen

We want you to be safe at every stage of your journey, not just while you’re on the bus. Here are some tips to help you stay safe.

Make sure you can be seen

When it’s dark out, it can be difficult for our drivers to spot you. Wearing hi-vis or brightly coloured clothing helps, and will also make you stand out to other road users.

It’s harder for our drivers to spot you there. To help our drivers see you, you can make yourself more visible by:

  • using the glow of your phone screen. 
  • using your phone light - pointed downwards. 
  • wearing bright or reflective clothing.

Stay Safe

You can track buses via the app, so you can see when it’s getting close and can reduce the time you’re stood at the bus stop.

For your general safety, it’s always good to let someone know where you’re going and what time you’re expecting to be home. Most phones have an emergency contact function, and you can download apps like Hollie Guard to alert trusted contacts if you feel unsafe.

Keep your mobile phone on you, but avoid listening to music or making calls – this can make you less aware of what’s going on around you.

We are keeping windows open so that there is a continuous flow of air on board – we know it can get cold, so wrap up warm.

Please be mindful of others’ personal space and respect your fellow passengers and drivers.

We want everyone to feel as safe as possible – if you’re unhappy with the situation you’re in, flag down any bus and we will make sure you are safe.